13-Year-Old Transplant Recipient Loves Her New Heart


13-year-old Parusia Muhigirwa received a new heart in February 2021, and it is going strong; she loves her new heart and is thankful for everything her doctors have done for her.


Cape Town, South Africa (22 April 2021) – Parusia Muhigirwa has been given a new lease on life, and it is all thanks to the generosity of a family unknown. You see, 13-year-old Parusia was waiting for a new heart, and her call came in February; the call has meant she will get to grow up and hopefully save a few lives herself.

Parusia received her new heart thanks to teams from the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital (RCWMCH) and Groote Schuur Hospital. This heart transplant was the first one done in the last 13 years at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital.

Parusia Muhigirwa is so thankful for her second chance that she plans to use it by saving even more lives and becoming a doctor when she grows up.

Parusia was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, which led to end-stage heart failure. This is where the heart muscle becomes incredibly “weak, floppy and dilated”. The cause is unknown, but cases like Parusia’s usually come from a viral infection that attacks the heart muscle.


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